Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Understanding God's Psyche Part#1

In the three Abrahamic Religions, god has his own emotions and reactions towards Man's actions.

"The way of the wicked is detestable to Jehovah; but he loves those who follow righteousness (Proverbs 15:9)"

"Indeed Charity extinguishes the Lord's anger and protects against the evil death (Tirmidhi)"

In Judaism, god was very active and interacted with Man; wrestling with Jacob, talking with Abraham, and inflicting horrors on the pharaoh and his people . 

While in Christianity, god sacrificed his son to save humanity from the original sin and all the sins that followed it - which expresses inability to save humanity by simply bestowing grace and forgiveness and weakens the omnipotence of god -

In Islamic scripture, god grew distant and more mature than the god in the old and new testament, using messenger angels and introducing a materialistic and pragmatic approach - affected by Judaism - to protect the religion from being defeated by the cultural and political superpowers that were existing in that era. While the only real divine interaction with humanity was when god invited the prophet Muhammad to heavens specifically to mandate the five daily prayers of Islam in person.

But god never ceased of being personal throughout the origin of Islam; God sent his messenger angel with a verse to testify the innocence of the Aisha - one of the prophet wives - from the people accusations and gossips of adultery; making it one of the most personal and the most interactive verses in the Quran.

However, God's interactions with humanity has declined overtime and stopped right after the prophet Muhammad's death. Leaving only the room for wild guesses by theologians and believers for god's words and teachings.

God's interactions and interventions with Man are over and the only way to know god now is to have a leap of faith and believe in the mythology of their followed religion without asking too many questions especially the most important one; Why did god stop talking?

Modern Jews believe that god was misunderstood from the start; that god is not a personal god who interacts with humanity but he rather tests mankind's will and its adherence to his teachings. Similar beliefs can be found in Islam as well.

Christians see god as the entity that made the ultimate sacrifice and that for this divine entity of the creator, all their sins are more or less forgiven and their souls are saved by Jesus Christ Crucifixion.

Our Modern deduction of the entity of god became increasingly contradictory with the original beliefs and scriptures of god. The basis of these religion are on the support and the blessing - And occasionally the wrath and curses - of god towards his followers. 

To understand where the contradiction lies you need to understand first how primitive and old the three religions are. Religions are affected by the circumstances of their origination.

God's promised land was a dream of the Jews to return and rebuild their ruined kingdom(s) which they have assumed was destroyed due to their sinful behaviour. The land was promised in the scriptures and the religion took its orthodox form during the period of Babylonian Captivity.

The call for peace and humility in Christianity was due to its origins in a totalitarian and oppressive regimes that prosecuted Christians at first as a rouge Jewish sect then afterwards the Religion got the sympathy of the whole Roman Empire and was introduced later on as the official religion of the Empire and used the popularity of the religion to control the population

And the call for Jihad in Islam was due to its origin in a tribal, and militaristic environment that puts chivalry and battles won above humility, peace or a hope for circumstances to change.

All religions are the victims of their present situation and their beliefs are only based on their origins and their symbolic rituals.

Man only sees the biased truth as a justification of the injustice and cruel nature of the political and social themes of their origins and so are the explanations of the sudden lack of godly interactions and interventions with Mankind since the prophet Muhammad's death. Man only sees what he wants to see and explains it only as he wants to fit the truth where he wants in his struggle to find the eternal and divine entity that he belongs to it and which we call god.